The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #58643   Message #928956
Posted By: Anglo
08-Apr-03 - 05:22 PM
Thread Name: Robin Hood ballads
Subject: RE: Robin Hood ballads
Ed McCurdy recorded an LP (produced by Kenny Goldstein, Riverside RLP 12-810, 1957) with his sung versions of ballads alternating with ballads that were narrated by Michael Kane. Guitar accompaniment by Mudcatter Frank Hamilton. The ballads are:
        1.        Robin Hood's Birth
        2.        Robin Hood and the Fifteen Foresters
        3.        Robin Hood and Little John
        4.        Robin Hood Rescues Will Stutly
        5.        Robin Hood and Maid Marion
        6.        Robin Hood and the Butcher
        7.        Robin Hood's Golden Prize
        8.        Robin Hood and the Prince of Aragon
        9.        Robin Hood and the Pedlar
        10.        Robin Hood and the Golden Arrow
        11.        Robin Hood's Death