The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #58659   Message #929338
Posted By: Dave Bryant
09-Apr-03 - 06:13 AM
Thread Name: Folklore: woad. Caesar. Celts
Subject: RE: Folklore: woad. Caesar. Celts
The Romans had just landed on the British shore and were all lined up. Suddenly a single Celt stuck his head round the corner of the cliff, shouted some rude words in Latin, made obscene gestures and mooned at them, before dodging round the corner again. "Go and capture that man" ordered the Roman general. A single Roman soldier was dispatched to do so. There were sounds of blows and yells, then silence, and again the Celt appeared and repeated his performance. The Romans then dispached two maniples of men after the offender. Again there was the noise of conflict, then silence and the cheeky Celt appeared yet again. This was too much for the Romans and they sent a centurian with his hundred men. Again noise of great battle, silence, and a single badly wounded Roman soldier managed to crawl back round the corner. "It's a trap - it's a trap", he gasps, "There's two of them !".