The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #58643   Message #929644
Posted By: Malcolm Douglas
09-Apr-03 - 12:53 PM
Thread Name: Robin Hood ballads
Subject: RE: Robin Hood ballads
Re. Helen Creighton: the Roud Folk Song Index lists the following Robin Hood ballads found in tradition in Canada:

The Bold Pedlar and Robin Hood: Creighton, Songs & Ballads from Nova Scotia pp.12-14. Ben Hennebury, Devil's Island, c.1929. Text and tune.

The Bold Pedlar and Robin Hood: Creighton & Senior, Traditional Songs of Nova Scotia pp.67-69. Mrs Edward Gallagher, Chebucto Head. Text and tune.

Robin Hood and Little John: Creighton, Maritime Folk Songs pp.19-29. Mrs Gilbert Flemming, Ketch Harbour, 1950. Text and tune.

Robin Hood and Little John: Creighton & Senior, Traditional Songs of Nova Scotia p.67. Vernon G. Crosby, Gardner's Mills. Fragment of text only.

Robin Hood's Progress to Nottingham: Creighton, Songs & Ballads from Nova Scotia pp.15-16. Ben Hennebury, Devil's Island, c.1929. Text and tune.

Robin Hood's Progress to Nottingham: Creighton & Senior, Traditional Songs of Nova Scotia pp.69-70. Mrs Annie C. Wallace, Halifax. Text and tune.