The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #58643 Message #929975
Posted By: Hester
09-Apr-03 - 06:49 PM
Thread Name: Robin Hood ballads
Subject: RE: Robin Hood ballads
Hi, Nutty:
I really DO appreciate your kind efforts, but please, please, don't keep looking (unless for your own enjoyment). I'm not trying to "trace" the origins of those ballads. The task has already been ably done by various scholars (most notably Ritson in the late 18th century and Child in the 19th). And a very comprehensive collection of the earliest versions is available on the "Robin Hood Project" website that I posted a link to.
The Bodleian certainly has a lovely on-line collection of broadside ballads, and I've enjoyed looking at them many times in the past. Currently, however, I'm really just looking for modern RECORDINGS of the Robin Hood ballads to listen to.