The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #58656   Message #930184
Posted By: reggie miles
10-Apr-03 - 12:10 AM
Thread Name: BS: Are we the evil empire?
Subject: RE: BS: Are we the evil empire?
Okay boys and girls let's all just take a step back, inhale a deep cleansing breath and forget I ever brought this subject up.

Please! I didn't want to pit us against each other personally.

I wanted to know if we are responsible due to our love of da green stuff. It's a fair question. I think I read somewhere that the love of it ($ that is) is the root of all evil and here in the good ol' U.S. of A. we do a better job than most, of lusting after it.

The point about multinationals seems, to me, to be spot on. I doubt, in this day and age, that any one entity could operate alone. The U.S. being the lone super power I guess they make an easy target to assign blame to, when in reality there are powerful forces all across the planet conspiring.

The president as a puppet to corporations seems likely as well. Maybe that why his rhetoric rings with such emptiness.

Thanks all of you for your input but before we go too much farther into this scrap with one another let's just change the subject, grab a guitar and strum a few chords or something to defuse and unlax. Do it for me. I just want us all to get along. There's already enough strife in the world.

Peace, Reg