The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #58633 Message #930405
Posted By: GUEST,Vixen @ work
10-Apr-03 - 09:45 AM
Thread Name: 'Solo Tuned' Harmonica Question
Subject: RE: 'Solo Tuned' Harmonica Question
WOW!!! Thanks for all the info!!!
Here's what I've found that I (and dad) think will do the trick. We've only looked at the picture, mind, and read the blurb, but it *looks* like what he needs.
Dad has a couple of chromatics, but he doesn't play them much. He says they're heavy and take a lot of air. He used to play only Marine Bands, but then I got him into the Golden Melodies, and he likes those a lot. He's also got a few Huangs, and some little plastic ones, and an assortment of odds and ends. I've never heard anybody play harmonica the way he does...he does the melody and rhythm chucks, sort of simultaneously. Sounds like he's got a whole band going. He's a machinist, and he's making an aluminum-combed, brass reeded B-flat harp; I can't wait to hear what that sounds like...