The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #58656   Message #930568
Posted By: Beccy
10-Apr-03 - 02:38 PM
Thread Name: BS: Are we the evil empire?
Subject: RE: BS: Are we the evil empire?
Oh gosh... not this "if only the world was run by women" business again... I'm certain that men and women are equally capable of holding powerful office and I seriously doubt that having many women around has a tempering effect on men. I also don't believe that estrogen has any inherent qualities that automatically make women superior to men. Equal, equal, equal!!! Wasn't that the point of feminism in the first place? Or did I miss the dissertation by Susan B. Anthony on why women were superior to men? Feminists have become what they despised.
But I cause thread creep and I shall now digress. Apologies.
