The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #58729   Message #930911
Posted By: GUEST
11-Apr-03 - 01:23 AM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: Voices of Struggle (Rick Fielding)
Subject: Voices of struggle
Years ago I heard this great protest song on the radio. I don't remember who sang it, but I remember the chorus. By the end of the song I was singing along with the radio, but then we had a blackout and I didn't get to hear who it was. The chorus goes like this:
Voices of struggle must be heard once again
Singing together? Voices together every woman child and man
Your fight together we move on? we are strong?
Voices together sing? shout? the power of song.
There were a whole lot of words in the verses, about Scots, and nuclear stuff. It was a real rabble rouser.
Cheers, Owlkat