The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #58674   Message #931285
Posted By: kendall
11-Apr-03 - 02:48 PM
Thread Name: BS: The real George Bush
Subject: RE: BS: The real George Bush
Doug, you are right. But, why US? he was no threat to us, why didn't his neighbors deal with him? Where are the weapons of mass destruction?

I just can't help thinking that Bush went to war because he failed us in his promise to "Get Bin Laden" and, it is obvious to all that he can't deal with the economy. This is a good way to keep us distracted from OUR problem. It worked for the "Actor" in Granada, and Bush 1 in Panama. Remember Panama? Bush 1 said to take out Noreaga would stem the flow of drugs. Sure, we know how successful he was; because of his inability to lead, look what we got stuck with. Of course, he did leave a huge surplus which the shrub has spent along with the goodwill we had worldwide after 9 11. His secretary of "Offense" has pissed off all of our allies, and, when Blair wakes up to what Bush is up to, he may declare war on us!