The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #58729 Message #931680
Posted By: Big Mick
12-Apr-03 - 07:38 AM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: Voices of Struggle (Rick Fielding)
Subject: RE: Voices of Struggle (Rick Fielding)
I already did the Lyric Add: my friend.
While we are at it, don't forget to check out another of Rick's CD's, titled "This One's The Dreamer". You simply cannot go wrong with either of these CD's.
I love the songs that are borne of ones experiences. My Canadian friends do this so well. Rick writes of the voices and times that he has experienced in his years of performing. All will enjoy Rick's music a great deal, but I think that performers are the ones that relate to much of his music in a special way.
Great stuff, I am very glad this thread was started.
Mick, out in the meatpacking house organizing hinterlands.