The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #12032   Message #93177
Posted By: Divine Wilygoatess (inactive)
07-Jul-99 - 03:14 PM
Thread Name: 'Elite' jam sessions? Is it OK?
Subject: RE: 'Elite' jam sessions? Is it OK?
I have to add as an anecdote. I was a music major in college. Voice, piano, and saxophone. I had an extremely traumatic experience and would not play or sing for quite some time. The jams in my area, along with a little help from my friends (ok that was pretty bad) have allowed me to begin again. I have been getting up and playing, singing etc. Without the supportiveness of the people around me I never would have done it. I love music more than anything. It was also always a dream of mine to play guitar. I have just started recently (have to say I am a rather quick study, impressed even myself) and I have been able to practice and learn from these jams.

Elite jam sessions are more when a band is putting on a show and asks friends or fellow musicians to jam with the band. That is OK. Then it is the choice of the band that is is their show and they can call all of the shots.

yours, Miss V