The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #56849   Message #931870
Posted By: Felipa
12-Apr-03 - 01:49 PM
Thread Name: Fairwell to Scots Gaelic?
Subject: Lyric Add: SUAS LEIS A' GHÀIDHLIG
reports of her demise are highly exagerated; meanwhile lets get some songs and poetry into the thread, togaidh sinn fonn:

Donnchadh Raoideach (Duncan Reid)

Togaibh i, togaibh i, cànain ar dùthcha
Togaibh a suas i gu h-inbhe ro-chliùitich:
Togaibh gu daingeann i 's bithibh rith bàigheil,
Hi ho-ro togaibh i, suas leis a' Ghàidhlig.

'S i cànain na h-òige, 's i cànain na h-aois;
B'i cànain ar sinnsir, b'i cànain an gaol;
Ged tha i nis aosd' tha i reachdmhòr is treun;
Cha do chaill i a clì, 's cha do strìochd i fo bheum.

Tha mòr-shruth na Beurla a' bagradh gu cruaidh
Ar cànain 's ar dùthchas a shlugadh a suas;
Ach seasaibh gu dìleas ri cànain ur gaoil
'S cha'n fhaigh i am bàs gu ruaig deireadh an t-saoghal

A dh'aindeoin gach ionnsuidh a thugadh le nàmh
A chòireachan priseil a spùinneadh o'n Ghaidheal,
Cha iasaich e chaoidh gus am faigh e a' bhuaigh
Thar gach mìorun is eucoir a dh'fhaodas a ruaig.

O, togaibh ur guth as leth cànain nam beann,
Is ciuinnteadh a fuaim air feadh mhonadh is ghleann;
Ard-sheinnibh a cliù ann am bàrdachd 's an ceòl
'S na leigibh le coimhich a masladh r'ar beò.

A chlanna nan Gaidheal! bithibh seasmhach is dlùth,
Ri guaillibh a chéile a' cosnadh gach cliù
O. seasaibh gu gaisgeil ri cànain ur gràidh
'S na treigibh a' Ghàidhlig a-nis no gu bràth

O, togaibh a bratach gu h-àrd anns an tìr,
'S biodh litreachan maireannach sgrìobht' air gach crìdh':
Cha trèig sinn a' Ghàidhlig, 's cha chaill i an deò
Cànain mhùirneach ar dùthchas, cha trèig sin r' ar beò.

sources: Bruce Campbell, ed. Òrain nan Gaidheal Glasgow: Gairm, 1987
A' Coisir-Chiùil, The Saint Columba Collection of Gaelic Songs, London & Glasgow: Bailey & Ferguson, n.d.

Praise it, praise it, language of our country,
Raise it up to an honoured rank,
Promote it firmly and treat it with affection,
Hi ho ro, raise it up, up with the Gaelic.

It is the language of youth, it is the language of old age,
It was the language of our ancestors, it was the language they loved;
Although it is now old it is strong and noble;
It has not lost its vigour, and it has not yielded to opposition.

[I would chose to interpret 'ar sinnsir', 'our ancestors', liberally as the ones who were here before us; it's part of our heritage whether or not our own blood relations spoke Gaelic]

The great stream of English threatens to overtake our language and heritage
But stand fast to our beloved language and the world will end e're she would die

Despite attack and plunder by enemies … …

Raise your voices for the language of the bens
And its sound will be heard throughout moorland and glen
Sing high its renown in poetry and music
Put the lie to the aspersion that Gaelic doesn't live

Gaels, be steadfast …

Raise her banner over the land,
and living letters will be written on each heart
We won't desert the Gaelic; we will never lose it,
the precious language of our heritage, as long as we live.

T:Suas leis a' Ghàidhlig
C:lyric Duncan Reid ~ Melody H. Whyte ("Fionn")
    F3C C2F3C C2|F3A G2F4C2|D3E D2F3G A2|c3B A2G4F2|
w:To-gaibh i, to-gaibh i, cà-nain ar dùth-cha; To-gaibh a suas i gu hin-bhe ro-chliùt-ich;
    c3d e2f3e d2|c3A F2F4G2|A3G A2c3d c2|c3B A2G4F2|
w:To-gaibh gu daing-eann i's bith-ibh rith bàigh-eil. Hi Ho-ro, to-gaibh i; Suas leis a' Ghàidh-lig
"^Verse:"z4z4z2C2|C3D E2F3G A2|c3d c2A4A2|c3d c2c3A F2|A3G G2G4A B|
w: 'Si càn-ain na h-oige; 'si càn-ain na h~aois; B'i càn-ain ar sinn-sir; B'i càn-ain an gaoil; Ged_
    c3d c2c3A F2|F3G A2B4A B|c3d c2c2A2F2|G3F F2F4z2
w:tha i nis aosd, tha i reachd-mhor is treun; Cha do chaill i a clì; 's-cha-do-striochd i fo bheum
(I don't have a sound recording of the above song and I sent MMario a page from A' Coisir-Chiùil, with all the choir parts included. I hope it's right; I have a headache and gave up trying to vet it.)

Tormod MacGill-Eain

Togaibh fonn 's bitheamid sunndach
Togaibh fonn air tìr mo luaidh;
Seasaibh gu pròiseil onair ar dùthcha
Togaibh fonn 's cuiribh stòp mun cuairt.

Alba mo rùin, O 's tu mo shòlas,
Riamh chan fhacas na thug bàrr
Air do bheanntan 's grian gan òradh -
Bidh thu air thùs mo dhàin.

'S fhada gun chrìch tha Dùbhlachd na bliadhna,
'S buan an oidhche chuir dalladh air sùil:
Chan ann gu bràth a mhaireas na clar-neòil -
Thig fhathast là mòr ar dùil.

Boillsgidh an speur le ùr-theas na grèine,
Falbhaidh na deòir mar dhriùchd air lòn;
Mìle beannacchd air na dh'èisdeas
Ri fonn chuireas ruaig air bròn.

Let's sing and be cheery,
Lets sing a song in praise of my beloved land,
Stand proudly for the honour of our country,
Sing and pass round the bowl.

Beloved Scotland, Oh, you are my joy,
Never was seen anything to surpass
Your bens with the sun gilding them -
You will always be the top of my lay.

Long and endless is the year's Winter,
Long-lasting is the night that blinds the eye:
But not for ever will the dark clouds remain -
The great day of our hopes will come yet.

The heavens will sparkle in the new heat of the sun,
Tears will depart like dews on grass;
A thousand blessings on those who listen
To a song that puts sadness to flight.

source: Michael Davitt & Iain MacDhòmhnaill, ed. Sruth na Maoile: Modern Gaelic Poetry from Scotland and Ireland. Edinburgh and Dublin: Canongate Press/Coiscéim, 1993.