The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #58674   Message #932178
Posted By: katlaughing
13-Apr-03 - 01:06 AM
Thread Name: BS: The real George Bush
Subject: RE: BS: The real George Bush
I had already decided I needed to come back in here and post an apology to you, troll, for calling you a racist. I know that you are not and I am sorry for saying so. Thanks for your understanding.

As to schools being air conditioned..I don't know where you've been in school lately, but there aren't any out West that I know of, where my sisters teach nor where my kids went to school, not even the colleges, which I've also attended in recent years.

And, regarding health care in this country. We may have more tests, etc. but there are a lot of us who do NOT have access to them, no matter what. We cannot afford the high premiums, but we make too much for any subsidies, so we try, as much as possible, to stay healthy and hope we don't lose the house, etc. with something catastrophic. It doesn't do to compare anyway...those who went before us and our own generations have worked hard to raise the standard of living in this country and it wouldn't do any other country any good if we suddenly gave up the advances we do have. Like it or not, we need universal health care in this country.

And, with that, I'd like to say I am going to do my damnedest to stay out of any political threads from now on. Thanks ya''s been interesting.
