The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #12000   Message #93259
Posted By: Art Thieme
07-Jul-99 - 08:08 PM
Thread Name: Obit: Tex Koenig's Passing (1940-1999)
Subject: RE: Tex Koenig's Passing
I never managed to meet Tex. I remember hearing his name around the scene--Winnipeg Fest in '70 maybe. But reading these tales makes me really wish I'd known the man-----like I wish I'd known Jack Kerouac and Cisco---Dylan Thomas, Aunt Molly Jackson, Haywire Mac McClintoc, Billie Holiday & Charlie Parker. Gracias to all here who let me partake vicariously of the wonder that it must've been to hang out with and learn from Tex.

Art Thieme