The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #58633   Message #932708
Posted By: Bob Bolton
13-Apr-03 - 08:25 PM
Thread Name: 'Solo Tuned' Harmonica Question
Subject: RE: 'Solo Tuned' Harmonica Question

Unfortunately, having a whole pack of vampers still doesn't get around the problems of gaps in the melody ... except by whipping over to another harmonica that does have the missing note! If you ned to do that ... with vampers ... the better way is to plan ahead and have the second harmonica in you (say) left hand - and quickly grab the requisite note.

Back in the days of "Harmonica Orchestra" players might have one ... or even two racks of 12 vampers (one set in 'major' tuning and the second in 'minor' tuning. I have photographs of such orchestra with each player looking at nearly 30 instruments ... some more specialised. But, of course, this was when they cared about exact "written" harmonies.

McGrath: A MIDI harmonica is perfectly feasible ... it would only need to be a miniaturised, somewhat waterproofed, version of the button accordeon ("melodeon") MIDI kits sold by firms like WEM Music, in London. Not only could you switch keys, but you could call up any sound (from you MIDI interface/amplifier/speakers) that was in the lexicom of MIDI 'voices'.

Of course, it wouldn't fit in my waistcoat pocket!

