The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #58816   Message #933156
Posted By: catspaw49
14-Apr-03 - 11:10 AM
Thread Name: BS: Disasters, Culinary
Subject: RE: BS: Disasters, Culinary
I love hot pepper sauces. Habanero peppers are just such fire breathing mothers, but have a limited taste, whereas Thai Chiles have a wonderful taste and are almost as hot. After using many Thai Chile sauces at Thai restaurants, I thought I could do better. So I threw in some habeneros, a wad of Thai Chiles, some molasses and a bit of vinegar and started cooking them down. Within minutes a white smoke began coming from the pan and in an instant it was just rolling out to the point that I could barely see the stove and I couldn't breathe without choking. I fumbled around coughing and hacking and gasping for breath as I got the pan off the heat. By this time the smoke had invaded other parts of the house and our kids (the two boys and three foster) came looking for what was wrong and all were now choking quite badly. More by feel than anything else, I herded them out the front door to the porch and then went back in and opened a kitchen winndow. I honest to god thought I was gonna' die....I couldn't breathe at all!

The smoke cleared but the house stank!!! And it did so for about 48 hours. BTW, very low heat is all that's required to cook pepper sauce.
