The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #457   Message #933579
Posted By: RangerSteve
14-Apr-03 - 09:18 PM
Thread Name: Origins: Baltimore Fire..a 'new' old verse....
Subject: RE: Baltimore Fire..a 'new' old verse....
History trivia: according to the Smithsonian Magazine years ago, when other cities sent their fire departments to the above mentioned fire in Baltimore, they found that their hoses wouldn't fit the Baltimore fire hydrants, and because of that, we now have standardized screw threads in the U.S.

Anyway, the NLCR sing "brave farmers struggled with devotion". I believe it should be "firemen". I've heard Pooles recording, and he sings (with a N.Carolina accent) "farmen". I think the NLCR misheard it. "Farmers" also shows up in the NLCR songbook. As a former volunteer fireman, this is a matter of principle to me.