The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #58800   Message #933925
Posted By: Sam L
15-Apr-03 - 09:44 AM
Thread Name: BS: Why are you for the war?
Subject: RE: BS: Why are you for the war?
No offence to anyone, I hope, but I can't help finding the discussion of Timothy McVeigh's faith funny. Because even if we agree that it doesn't matter, we can't help picking at it.

I once heard a Jewish comedy writer say the only thing he'd done that really offended his mother was his bit "Jew, Not a Jew" in which contestants answered questions about celebrities, like "Penny Marshall--Jew, Not a Jew? Buzz! Not a Jew! Correct" and so on. It was based on the writer's family dinnertable discussions, but his mother was offended by it.

She said "I can't see how you could do something like that, and think it's funny".

Then she said "And I'm SURE Penny Marshall is a Jew".


LH, still, don't you think you tend to exaggerate the Orwellian thing? My buddy who went a coupla years ago to study in Israel and who is American, and Jewish, doesn't have much trouble criticizing Israel, especially the current leadership. Critics of the war are not guiltless of trying to promote their message, also. Other Nations aren't wholly without vested economic interests in their positions of opposition. When and where is it ever different? Who doesn't try to "sell" their position, put it in it's best light, as best they can?
And why wouldn't they?
    My complaint is not that a case was made to "sell" the war, but that it was made poorly, in terms that surely helped to alienate potential allies, and may yet very much undermine any real "success" in the purpose. Battles are won by soldiers and the military, wars are won by diplomacy and government. I doubt the leadership, but hope something worthwhile can be salvaged.