The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #58892   Message #934681
Posted By: Brian Hoskin
16-Apr-03 - 09:20 AM
Thread Name: Lyr/Tune Req: Proud to be Proud
Subject: Lyr Add: PROUD TO BE PROUD (Greg Keeler)
Is it this song?

© 2001 Greg Keeler
Proud to Be Proud   

I'm proud I'm a man,
and I'm proud I'm right handed.
I'm proud I was born well endowed.

I'm proud of my Ford
and my team when they've scored
and I'm proud I can drive when I'm plowed.

I'm proud of George Bush,
and I'm proud of my tush,
and I'm proud I can fart really loud.
And I'm proud to be proud to be proud to be
proud to be proud to be proud to be proud.

I'm proud to be white,
and I'm proud that I'm right,
and I'm proud I'm obnoxious and loud.

I'm proud of my gun
and that we're number one,
and proud I ain't part of the crowd.

I'm proud of my flag,
and I'm proud I'm no fag
and I'm proud of my gut when I've chowed.
and I'm proud to be proud to be proud to be
proud to ber proud to be proud to be proud.

I'm proud at all costs
there's no wars that we've lost,
no victors to which we have bowed.

I'm proud I've got guts,
and I'm proud I kick butt,
and I take the revenge that I've vowed.

I'm proud I'm a Christian
and proud I don't question
the reasons I have to be proud.
Yes, I'm proud to be proud to be proud to be
proud to be proud to be proud to be proud.

And as my mama used to say when I'd come home pants crappin' drunk,
"Well, Gregory, I certainly hope you're proud of yourself,"
And I'd say, "Gosh, Mom, now that you mention it,
I'm proud to be proud to be proud proud to be
proud to be proud to be proud to be proud."