The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #58916   Message #935378
Posted By: Wilfried Schaum
17-Apr-03 - 09:42 AM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: 'Da trunken sie die liebe lange nacht'
Subject: German drinking song, check translation
Inhabitants of the Isles are kindly requested to check my translation of an old German drinking song into English. Main problem: May I use morrow, because it rhymes so fine to sorrow?

Da tranken sie die liebe, lange Nacht,
And so they drank the dear long night

bis daß der helle Morgen anbrach,
into the mornings dawning light,

der helle, lichte Morgen.
the clear and shining morrow.

Sie sungen und sprungen und waren froh
They sang and sprang so merrily

und lebten ohn' alle Sorgen.
and lived without a sorrow

Does it sound at least a little bit English?
Suggestions welcome.
