The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #58935   Message #935912
Posted By: Bobert
18-Apr-03 - 09:12 AM
Thread Name: BS: 'Non-profit'? Prayers for Bush et al
Subject: RE: BS: 'Non-profit'? Prayers for Bush et al
First of all, I have made no bones about being a Follower of Christ here at Mudcat but with that said out front the Christian Right got their heads so stuck in the Old Testament that Jesus doesn't get a word in edgewise.

But lets look at the politics. The Cristian Right is well organized and well financed (tax free, I might add). It has access to the media and to millions of folks who are just trying to live the goood Chrisian life.

When George, Jr.'s handlers mapped out his political career they took his one major weekness ( a past littered with drugging, womanizing, and partying) and turned it into a positive. So the told Junior that if he went before the Christian Right with a "confession" and a "testimonial", all would be forgiven so long as he also carried the message of "intollerance" that these folks love! Well, Junior did it and it worked gresat. Now he wouldn't have to answer any questions and as an added benefit he got a major group of folks on board. Purdy danged shrewd of his handlers to come up with that one. So ever since Junior has acted as if he was a man of Faith. Well, as for his Faith, that is between Junior and God, but after seeing the things that Junior has done, I'm wonderin' where, other than the Old Testament, he could find his justifications. But I certainly can't question his *faith* in a ploy that has served him very well.
