The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #58916   Message #936056
Posted By: Wilfried Schaum
18-Apr-03 - 01:49 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: 'Da trunken sie die liebe lange nacht'
Subject: RE: drinking song, translation
And here is the tune, Mario. Found a sheet in the web at
The tune is not in the soprano, but in the tenore (3rd system, old renaissance practice).

Cluin - Thank you for a new enrichment of my wee Scottish vocabulary; I can't use it here because I just finished reading this thread, but you're free to use it when singing. Better now: Do me the favour and transfer the entire song into Scottish; I would be honoured to see my feeble work in Burns' own language.

Final version:
And so they drank the live long night
into the mornings dawning light,
the clear and shining morrow.
They sang and sprang so merrily
and lived without a sorrow.

Note: People who prefer not to jump over tables and benches when drinking are invited to use danced instead of sprang.

With many thanks to my learned and distinguished contributors:
Drink, sing and spring [or dance]!
