The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #58961   Message #936943
Posted By: Gurney
21-Apr-03 - 12:24 AM
Thread Name: Are all folkies over fifty?
Subject: RE: Are all folkies over fifty?
Does it really matter? Any music survives purely by its merit and popularity, and I mean it's popularity with singers/players.

Songs like 'Pearly Shells' and 'Ten Guitars' achieved huge popularity with (some) audiences, but are there any performers who will do them, except on request?
I feel that a lot of songs that 'we' like have too much relevence and power to ever completely die, and even if clubs and festivals go under, someone like Lonnie Donovan will start the circle over again. Hope the Mudcat lyrics are on hard-copy, acid-free paper for the researchers, supposing the spoilers have wrecked the Web by then.

This missive is a little disjointed. I'm trying to say that I think folk performers will go on doing their thing, and the VENUES will change. Hope it is less generational in future.
Chris, WELL over 50.