The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #58966   Message #936955
Posted By: GUEST
21-Apr-03 - 01:38 AM
Thread Name: Help: Suil A Ruin, correct spelling?
Subject: RE: Help: Suil A Ruin, correct spelling?
Joe Offer, re your point about pedanticism in spelling, consider this: by spelling it 'Suil' ( pronounced 'sool') you mean 'an eye', and by spelling it 'Siuil' ( pronounced 'shool') you get it to mean 'walk' or 'move' or even 'come walking', maybe its not such a bad thing after all to be as accurate as possible?
So the song title means: 'Come, my Love', or it might be translated as 'Walk(with me)My Love'.
