The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #58916   Message #936985
Posted By: Wilfried Schaum
21-Apr-03 - 06:06 AM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: 'Da trunken sie die liebe lange nacht'
Subject: RE: drinking song, translation
Greg - no problem, in the first two stanzas the same adjective is used twice for the morning.

The next last version:
And so they drank the live long night
into the mornings shining light,
the clear and shining morrow.
They sang and sprang so merrily
and lived without a sorrow.

Jeanie - thanks for the etymological remarks, more than I had realized before, and for the kind remark about my translation.

leprechaun - at least one friend showing the desired effect.

It's the second day of Easter, the sun is shining bright, and I think instead of eating a painted egg I will drink out of my favourite stein to your very good health.
