The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #58961   Message #937208
Posted By: GUEST
21-Apr-03 - 01:28 PM
Thread Name: Are all folkies over fifty?
Subject: RE: Are all folkies over fifty?
Ref: Marje. What you say about older people being new to the scene is interesting. When people stop working they look for an occupation and for some this can mean taking up an instrument and/or singing. I've noticed myself, in England anyway, that a lot of people, often couples, who went to clubs in their younger days, are returning. Having spent the last 20 years or so in raising families and being committed to work, they now have more free time to go out, to pick up where they left off playing their instruments and singing years ago, and also just to go out for an evenings entertainment. This is good, but I do notice that their material is often set back in the period in which they left off! But, hey, they are making live music and that has got to be good.