The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #59015   Message #937441
Posted By: catspaw49
21-Apr-03 - 08:38 PM
Thread Name: Town Librarian laments Green Eggs&Ham
Subject: RE: Town Librarian laments Green Eggs&Ham
On the other hand, at least there is a Town Librarian! If the budget cuts go through here in Ohio, we may not have any libraries!! I'm serious and THIS IS THE SITUATION. The money is also being taken from education, but NOT from the Governor's "pet" education project which involves replacing about three fourths of the school buildings in the state!!!! Yes, here in the heartland and home of "Taft Republicanism" our governor is not only a Republican but a Taft as well!!!

Yeah, it'll be great. Not too many teachers, not much in books or other soft resources, no public libraries....but we can all look real spiffy standing in front of the new school.....that'd be the "really" new school that's replacing the one built in 1986 (no shit).

If we're getting what we deserve here, we must be one fucked up group of citizens!
