The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #58993   Message #938685
Posted By: GUEST, heric
23-Apr-03 - 02:52 PM
Thread Name: Violence is the American Way?
Subject: RE: Violence is the American Way?
>>>>>As to answering "questions" - I make it a point to ignore those who try to bully or boss others around, discredit another's claims through personal attack, or distract people from the topic at hand by focussing on the messenger, not the message. . . . I hope I haven't left anyone out, . . <<<<<

Well, you left out me, artbrooks, Art Theime, Rick Fielding, Alba and Cluin, among others, I'm sure. This is understandable, of course, timewise, but I'm wondering, did you ignore any on this list for personal attack, bullying or shooting the messenger??

>>>When people have neither the appreciation or the interest to even bother reading through the information I provide or the article I started this thread to discuss, and "order" me to do their reading and thinking for them - well, if that's not worthy of inattention, what is? And when they choose to ignore, overlook, or pooh-poooh the most credible and relevant figures available, well that just lends even more credibility to the tenets of the article "Violence is the American Way".<<<

Did anyone on the above list fail to read your cites or order you to do their thinking for them?

>> That the US rates for childhood homicide, suicide and firearm-related death are five times higher than any other industrialized nation (click here for the American study and scroll down to the graph at the bottom of the page for easy reference). That's a significant difference! Why is this so, if American culture does not somehow "breed" the ideology/expectation/acceptance of violence as a solution to problems?" Could it be that in order to answer them a big ugly truth must be acknowleged? I suspect this is another example of Ira's "mutual causation".<<<<

I said it before and you can ignore me again. According to Ira's supporting reference, the answer is gun laws, not ideological violence.

>> and when they choose to ignore, overlook, or pooh-poooh the most credible and relevant figures available, well that just lends even more credibility to the tenets of the article "Violence is the American Way".<<<

Yes, this is a repeat, but listen to yourself. You started a thread with the half baked notion that you could statistically prove that American citizens have bloodlust in their hearts and souls, and wish violence upon each other and upon outsiders.

>>As they say, one should never insult anyone by accident. << - MGOH

The recent arguments by LH and daylia that this just a battle of egos and should be left to slide in silent acquiescence because it reflects thoughts lurking in hearts of many Canadians (and imparted to their children) is without merit. I have been rude and wrong on many an occassion, myself. I own up to it, though.