The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #59070   Message #939134
Posted By: GUEST,Eliza C
24-Apr-03 - 08:31 AM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: May Morning / Shady Green Tree
Subject: Lyr Add: MAY MORNING (from Waterson:Carthy)
As I walked out one May morning, one May morning so early
Was down by the side of a shady green tree
Oh there I beheld a most beautiful damsel
She sat there a sighing all underneath a tree

I stepped up 2 this fair maid I wished her good morning
She was the very first girl that ever wounded me
You never shall want for gold or bright silver
If you will only place your reflections on me

I thank you kind sir but I think you are a joking
You think you are more fitting for higher girls than me
Besides your own friends they will always be afrowning
They'll always be a frowning and scolding of me

Come all you pretty fair maids that go now a courting
Never trust a young man of any higher degree
For when they've enjoyed all the flowers of your garden
Then they will go and leav you as my love left me

Is my pronunciation that bad?!
x e