The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #58993   Message #939187
Posted By: Peg
24-Apr-03 - 10:24 AM
Thread Name: Violence is the American Way?
Subject: RE: Violence is the American Way?
wow; *daylia*, your childishness, arrogance and self-deception knows no bounds.

Mick is right; your diarrhetic input to this thread belies your claims that you're too busy.

Poetry? Well, I am actually a published poet. I even won an international award last year from the Cornish Gorseth; first place in the poetry division, in fact. I was even interviewed on BBC radio about it, being the first American to win the division.

I will not waste my time composing badly-rhyming doggerel for you.

I like Thomas, too. I guess it makes you feel better about your sorry self to act like you're his ally or whatever. I am guessing he is horrified by your behavior in this thread, though (maybe mine, too). Especially the juvenile insults. Pathetic. I remember seeing a lot of this kind of behavior in seventh grade.

By the way, those links? I read them a long time ago. I guess that means NOW you'll answer the questions? Since NOW you claim that is the ONLY reason you won't answer them?

Still waiting. You have no excuse now for not answering. Unless, as you have already done, you choose to make up something new so you can stick out your toungue and flounce away once more.

You have turned your own thread into an embarrassing (for you) joke.

You claim you're being attacked; all I did was ask questions, and politely, I might add (as did several others whose questions you have also ignored, demanding they answer yours first huh? YOU started the thread!). You refused. I asked again. And you have continued to refuse, and tried to hide your ignorance, or stubbornness, or whatever it is, in these nasty games of yours in which YOU are the bearer of insults. It doesn't work, you see, for you to accuse me of something when you are far and away the worse offender...

I have been here a while and a lot of 'Catters know I like a good debate, am reasonably articulate in my assertions, and have little patience for homophobia and misogyny. I participate in a lot of music threads, too and have done since the beginning. I am sometimes wrong, sometimes inappropriate, sometimes bitchy, and I tend to admit it when called on it, and to apologize when warranted. Like most adults ought to behave in a forum like this one.

You, in the relatively short time you've been here, are rapidly proving to be a snotty little girl who is irresponsible in her opinions and comments, and with the air of a tattletale who runs and hides under someone else's skirts when things get overwhelming (as when people point out that you're wrong about something). You don't even defend yourself; you just attack others. The silly name calling is rather sad.

Okay, so much for my own self-indulgent input to this thread. I am bored with it now.

Good luck, Big Mick. You've given it the old college try, but *daylia* is still in grade school.