The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #12018   Message #93923
Posted By: Peter T.
10-Jul-99 - 10:20 AM
Thread Name: A Town Like Possum
Subject: RE: A Town Like Possum
Back on the plane, upper case q looked somewhat miffed.
"You've taken your time coming back, Bond."
Bond smiled, unruffled. Women in Tasmania lay down for half an hour. "Possy' s 'bilities are endless, upper case q."
Q almost understood.
Bond sat beside him on the aisle row.
"Now look Bond, we have rigged up some specialities for you this time around, so pay attention." Q opened up a long case.
"This is an Appalachian dulcimer, first used by the Hatfields and the McCoys. " Q pressed on the 3rd fret. The muzzle of a rifle popped out from the end. "Range of about 300 yards, Bond."
Q reached down, and pulled out a trapezoidal shaped instrument. "Not to be confused with a standard dulcimer."
Bond reached over to pluck the strings. "For God's sake, Bond, don't. This is a vibration bomb. Pluck the strings in the following sequence" -- Q did this in the air -- "and it will explode. There are also these little hammers" -- Q pulled out two hammers --" Strike it with these, and in addition to an explosion, a fire bomb will shoot fire in all directions. Useful for scattering musicologists."
Q reached into the overhead compartment again, and pulled down another two cases. He opened the first case, and pulled out an accordion.
"This is an accordion, Bond."
"What's special about that?"
"Nothing, Bond. It's just a deadly weapon."
Q opened the final case. He smiled. Bond looked down. Even he was impressed.
In the case lay....