The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #58993   Message #939302
Posted By: Don Firth
24-Apr-03 - 01:23 PM
Thread Name: Violence is the American Way?
Subject: RE: Violence is the American Way?
This started out as a good topic for discussion and a chance, especially for the Americans who inhabit this place to do a little self-examination and, perhaps, apply a little close scrutiny to the culture in which we live. We do seem to have this image of being a violent people. Why? Is it true? And if there is more violence in America, then why is that? What can we do about it? All important questions.

I've been associated, at least in a peripheral way, with the Alternatives to Violence organization (my wife is a facilitator, and I have attended several of the workshops), and I thought this would be a good opportunity to explore different viewpoints, but I guess not. It's too bad that instead of using it as an opportunity to learn something, many folks here seem to take it personally and feel insulted by the topic. And getting hot under the collar, they lost the thread of what it was all about and got personal. It started fairly well, then degenerated into a pissing contest.

Too bad. No point in hanging around in this thread, I guess. It's getting a little to . . . violent.

Don Firth