The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #59113   Message #939505
Posted By: NicoleC
24-Apr-03 - 05:44 PM
Thread Name: MudCat Cookbook Details Cost/Headcount
Subject: MudCat Cookbook Details Cost/Headcount
I'm trying to find the best method for production that's cost effective but attractive and very usable. After all, there are some darn good recipes in this book and I think you'll actually cook out of it. (Not to mention all those foodie tunes you might want to play.)

Since I haven't done the layout work yet while waiting for submissions to come in (7 days left!), I have quite a bit of flexibility. If we order 200 copies or more, there will be a significant savings. We don't get much of a price break until well above that number, although the more that are ordered, the cheaper it gets.

So first, I need a headcount to see how many are likely to actually sell. At least SOME pre-paid orders are a must; the cost of printing the whole run is higher than yours truly feels comfortable coughing up alone. Price will probably be $15 (if we reach 200 copies). Maybe $17.50.

Second, how many would like to purchase an additional CD at about $5 to go with the cookbook? If there's enough interest, it could be worth making that, too.

Third, is there anyone that would like to handle the physical distribution in the US that maybe has a postage meter or has days free to get to the post office? I can do the distribution, but I don't think orders will get as quickly as you might like.

Fourth, how about distribution in the UK? If there are enough orders overseas, I suspect it will be much cheaper to send a big box over and have the individual ones get mailed out or distributed from there.

Let me know!