The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #59158   Message #941099
Posted By: Hillheader
27-Apr-03 - 02:48 AM
Thread Name: HOMOPHOBIA in British Folk Movement
Subject: RE: HOMOPHOBIA in British Folk Movement
Having read the lyrics I think the message is "Homosexuallity is here - deal with it". I certainly do not see it as homophobic and to generalise this song into an indicator of homophobia in the folk scene in general is a quantum leap from the reality of the song and (apparently) the circumstance.

My point earlier in the thread re an overtly gay person singing the song was a genuine question and borne out by the lyrics. If an overtly gay person sang these the connotations would be different entirely and the subject in my view then becomes that person hiding from his sexuallity. I also do not think that it would have got the same response from the audience and the object is to entertain. If there is an agenda to provoke, I think the song challenges homophobia rather than promotes it.

I agree with Raedwulf. If we are offended it's more usually because we take the offence and not because it was intended. It's a common training point that every time we point the finger of blame somewhere else, there are three others pointing back at us.
