The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #59171   Message #941137
Posted By: Neighmond
27-Apr-03 - 06:12 AM
Thread Name: BS: 'From my cold, dead hands' farewell
Subject: RE: BS: 'From my cold, dead hands' farewell
with all respect due in this case, I feel a responce is in order.

"That's scary. Makes be glad to be in the UK where we are clamping down on gun posession and use."

Perhaps if we as parents spent less time working two jobs so a benevolant government can send our hard-earned pay to distant fields while our own elders die in their chairs and beds for lack of medicine, and our babies cry from the misery of their little empty bellies, and spend more time bringing up our children right, we wouldn't have this problem. Dicipline begins at home with parental guidance, and supervision. Parents are NOT there to be "friends"! Sad but true. You cannot dump your babies on an outside party and expect them to turn out right. Furthermore, it is high damnded time that people begin taking responsibility for their own actions and shortcomings. If you fail in your job as a parent and your child thinks they have to use a firearm to attain some unspeakably evil end, don't cry to the many ears about the BIG BAD TEWWABLE GUN BOOGIE MEN. Look in the mirror. Look right into the eyes of the face in that mirror and begin addressing the real culprit.

I am a citizen of the United States. As such I am a vassel to no man. I will bow to no ruler and I damnded sure won't allow some tinhorn four-flushing wanna-be grand hi-pubah in a city that remains perpetually out of touch with those who support its very existance steal my birthright.

"After Dunblane (16 five year old kids and their Teacher killed in a gym) we had to do something."

One thing that the gun-snatchers and their hangers-on politely leave out of their hype-rallies:

You cannot legeslate common sence.

No firearm from the dawn of gunpowder to this date has ever (EVER)loaded itself, leveled itself, taken its own aim, cocked back its own hammer, and discharged a load of shot into some hapless victem. It takes the malice in the brain, the wickedness in the heart, the complacent hand and the seeing eye to set into motion the event of death by acute lead poisoning.

"In a current amnesty however an AK47 assualt rifle was handed in to Police. I dread to think what is still out there and who may be holding it."

Do you really think the criminals will sit up in their nasty dens of misdoing, and hearing anouncement of further legeslation, say "Well, Louie, that does it for us! The law says we can't have a gun along when we take off convenience stores!"

Not very likely, is it?

Louis L'Amour had it pegged: "When bureaucrats outlaw guns, only outlows will have them."

Offered with the utmost respect.
