The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #59138   Message #942043
Posted By: HuwG
28-Apr-03 - 02:05 PM
Thread Name: RACISM in British Folk Movement
Subject: RE: RACISM in British Folk Movement
The only overtly racist British folksongs which I have encountered are some violently francophone sea shanties which presumably originated during the wars against Napoleon, or possibly earlier. Racist songs do exist, but these are generally heavy-metal tunes.

People should bear in mind that "British" culture has embraced Jazz, Blues, Country, Reggae, Rap (for Heaven's sake !) and other musical cultures from overseas, without a moment's hesitation. Raga and other styles from the Indian subcontinent may not have gained such universal acceptance, but I have not heard any violent reaction against them.

It is true that there are some offensive folk songs, but their prejudice is political rather than racial (e.g. "The Sash") and their appeal is limited to narrow sections of the country, in my humble opinion anyway.

I would tend to agree with most posters, that British folk music shares with much American folk music, a grounding in various protest movements; for civil liberties, against economic oppression etc. This is incompatible with most forms of bigotry or supremacism.