The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #59015   Message #942341
Posted By: Coyote Breath
28-Apr-03 - 07:53 PM
Thread Name: Town Librarian laments Green Eggs&Ham
Subject: RE: Town Librarian laments Green Eggs&Ham
I remember the endless (seemingly) requests also. Just from two children, girls. They also requested that I sing them "blood" songs. That is; murder ballads. They got the idea from "The Knoxville Girl".

We decided to HAVE green eggs and ham one morning. Spent a great deal of time the night before guessing at what would turn the eggs green (no food dyes in OUR house). Decided on slathering Grape Jelly on the eggs. Wasn't exactly green like forest or loden but it did the trick, actually tasted pretty good. The girls LOVED the concoction! I still pile on a little jelly now and then.
