The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #11990   Message #94350
Posted By: Lesley N.
12-Jul-99 - 08:00 AM
Thread Name: Lyr ADD: Are You There, Moriarity?
Subject: RE: Moriarty
Sorry Joe! I AM trying to keep it alive though so someone will notice because I'd like them too!

katlaughing, I went through a Holmes phase where I read everything (Holmesian (well, not quite, don't think that's possible) - by anyone - Gardiner, Adrian Doyle, etc. Watched every Holmes movie too. There's even a new rececent series where a woman becomes his partner and marries him (the bee keepers apprentice) and, of course an Irene Adler series and series about his son (by Irene Adler) being a detectivein New York - an incomlete list of new stuff to be sure! Saw lots of movies too. Loved seven percent solution, both the book and movie - Nicholas Meyer, I think. My guilty pleasure is the TV movie the return of sherlock holmes with Michael Moriarty and Maragaret Colin - she revives him after 100 years... I'll never get into the Baker Street Irregulars if that goes public!