The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #12185   Message #94496
Posted By: bbc
12-Jul-99 - 05:14 PM
Thread Name: Directions to bbc's for July 31 (Bill Sables)
Subject: Directions to bbc's for July 31 (Bill Sables)
Those of you who plan to come to the get-together in Yorktown Heights, NY (1 hr N of NYC) on Saturday, July 31st, please send me email asking for directions from your location. Also, give me an idea if you are coming within the times I suggested--noon to 10 pm (Bill & Duane won't be able to arrive until about then)--or if you need to come earlier or stay later to justify the travel time. I'm sure we can work it out! I'll be available that weekend from Friday through Sunday. Maybe we can discuss food & drink ideas at the same time. Added bonus--we should have the digital camera by then & can get individual/group photos for the Resources pages!

bbc's email

Talk to you soon,

bbc (Barbara)