The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #59318   Message #946032
Posted By: GUEST,.gargoyle
04-May-03 - 09:52 PM
Thread Name: Favourite love songs...?
Subject: RE: Favourite love song...?
Every Monday morning, Sam at the autoshop would be whistling and siing and happy.

Dan on the other hand would show up with a terrible case of the Monday Morning Blues.

One day Dan asked Sam, "What is UP with you? EVERY stinkin Monday you come in here so happy and chipper it just makes me want to puke! What's goin on with you?"

Sam replied, "Oh, man every Sunday night my woman gives me the hottest, most passionate, down-home loving good night of sex, sex, sex, its all I can think about throughout the day. Sometimes it can carry me all the way into next weekend."

"Oh, Yeah?" said Dan, "My woman don't give me nothin but a headache, what's your secret?"

"Simple," replied Sam, "Woman like to be wooed, they like poetry, and love songs, and being told they are special."

"Poetry? Love Songs? Thats it? That's all? What type of song?"

"Well," said Sam, " Something simple, not fancy, just something to let them know you appreciate them, like:"
Roses are Red
Violets are Blue
There is nothing in this world I want more
Than to make love with you.

Next Monday morning Dan showed up to work, all beaten up; a swollen lip, black-eye, and a powerful limp in his left leg.

Sam, asked, "What happened to you?"

Dan replied, "You and your fuckin love song shit!"

Sam backed up and said, "What did you sing to her?"

And Dan said, just a little song that should be added to the Mudcat Rugby thread:

Nappy, Nappy hair
Eyes, Like a Frog
Bend over Baby
Gonna Do Ya like a Dog

Head down, ass up
That's the way we like to fuck
Jo Mamma, Jo Mamma,
Jo Mamma says you're ugly
