The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #59351   Message #946306
Posted By: GUEST
05-May-03 - 01:25 PM
Thread Name: Toby Keith/Willie Nelson laud lynching??
Subject: RE: Toby Keith/Willie Nelson laud lynching??
'Courtesy of the Red, White and Blue/The Angry American' is a good representation of reality from the point of view of people who believe Saddam Hussein is responsible for 9/11. I wouldn't say it is about war with Iraq per se, but about American vengeance for 9/11 being taken out on anyone the rednecks don't like, essentially. So it could be directed at France just as easily as Iraq.

The song this thread is about though, isn't that song, it just thread creeped into the conversation.

I think everyone here agrees that song suggests that the meting out of vigilante justice through lynching either once was an acceptable way of laying down the law, and possibly suggests that should be again considered acceptable. I think McGrath goes too far by putting an Iraqi spin on it, though.

I don't hear the 'Beer for My Horses' song as about any international issues, 9/11, or Iraq. Rather, I hear the song as being about the failure of the justice system in the US, and the song's narrator longing/desire to mete out vigilante justice when the narrator feels justice has not been served. The only disagreement really, is over the interpretation of whether the lynching referred to in the song could be construed as a reference to racial lynching. Some say no, some say yes, some say maybe.