The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #59330   Message #946851
Posted By: Big Mick
06-May-03 - 07:24 AM
Thread Name: BS: How sad - whites only prom in Georgia
Subject: RE: BS: How sad - whites only prom in Georgia
Doug, if you would answer the question I posed, we could get into a discussion. Your "question" is the standard one that those who would like to preserve a status quo that favors one group over another would use. It is pointless to try and act like several hundred years of slavery have not had an ongoing effect on the attitudes of a great many citizens of the USA. Evidence of this fact lies in events like these proms. Do you see separate German and Polish proms? How about Lithuanian and Scottish proms? The only separate proms are based on color. The defining color based event in our country's history was slavery. If you find my logic flawed, please respond with your reasons. Please do not throw worn out cliches into the mix. Simple as that.

Attaboy, EJ. Stay the course, old chum. Continue to try and belittle, obfuscate.......anything but engage in the debate and defend your views. You look more and more like a figure out of a cheap movie. But, nice try. Another sign of the arrogance of folks like you is that you don't believe anyone could have a circle of friends and acquaintances that would remotely equal yours. But mine is verifiable. But, of course, you won't bother. Facts are frightening to folks like you.
