The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #59318   Message #947481
Posted By: anais
06-May-03 - 11:00 PM
Thread Name: Favourite love songs...?
Subject: RE: Favourite love song...?
oh my
dimming of the day and vincent black lightning both throw me every time, i am especially fond of the greg brown version of the latter.
other than that
time has told me-nick drake
by weary well-robin williamson
(why don't more people sing that one!!!!)
first girl i loved also by robin williamson
case of you-joni mitchell
flow gently sweet afton- oh god just a lovely song
i am a youth that's incllined to ramble-paul brady
but the real killer for me is june tabor's rendition of one of les barker's "serious" songs, "the turn in the road"...can anyone find me the words to this gem?