The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #59455   Message #947936
Posted By: Letty
07-May-03 - 01:11 PM
Thread Name: Start saving, North Americans; MudUK2004
Subject: RE: Start saving, North Americans; MudUK2004
Yep, I'm coming (depending on cash-flow and dog-sitter availability)!
Don't care about the sheep though.
About clashing folk festivals: I can see where you're coming from, Alan, but as I was planning Groningen, it turned out there would be folk festivals all over the UK in every weekend in May...

Love, Letty

Eric: don't worry, you didn't frighten Max away entirely, as he's MSNing me regularly now!
Wheee! (this doesn't mean the wedding's off though)

Quote from Willem the Moose: "Letty? Cool? Hm, let's see, she likes folk music and hangs around on computer forums."