The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #20768   Message #952052
Posted By: GUEST,Mac Tattie
13-May-03 - 05:48 PM
Thread Name: Irish Songs for female singers
Subject: RE: Irish Songs for female singers
Guest Magpie, the Dirrum a doo in "Dirrum a doo a day" is a simple vocal attempt at recreating the sound of the bagpipes. There is, however, a more complex song "language" used amoung pipers to learn and rember pipe tunes known as Canntaireachd (canter-ach-t). There have been verry fiew songs sugested here that I would recomend and many to avoid. I would recomend that the singers looking for songs should listen to as much material from as many sources as possible and let the songs find them. The 5000 or so in the didgital tradition are only a fiew amoung many.