The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #59659   Message #952198
Posted By: GUEST,Q
13-May-03 - 10:37 PM
Thread Name: BS: Way to go, Texas Democrats!!
Subject: RE: BS: Way to go, Texas Democrats!!
Why did they select Ardmore? It is well-to-do (Michelin tire factory there plus other businesses), surrounded by seven lakes and good fishing, selected as one of the best cities in America, has good golf courses and all the other amenities to make life comfortable.
Working holiday? He, he, he!

Austin, Texas, seat of the state government and the University of Texas, was a fun place when I was a student. I got a part-time job checking voters rolls (it was a poll-tax state back then) in the capitol building. I think the figures were used in gerrymandering districts back then too.
One day I was told that I was working too hard- slow down. Those working alongside me were widows, handicapped, etc. and wages would be paid only as long as the work lasted. An appropriation had been made and it was only logical to use it up. After that I would sign in, take my books and study under a shady tree (or go for beer). The perfect student job! Then WW2 came and interrupted my pleasures.