The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #59351 Message #952597
Posted By: denise:^)
14-May-03 - 01:51 PM
Thread Name: Toby Keith/Willie Nelson laud lynching??
Subject: RE: Toby Keith/Willie Nelson laud lynching??
Where does the Toby/Willie song say that they're lynching blacks? I must really be missing it--I thought they said they were going after "bad boys," "gangsters," and people who shoot people, steal cars, abuse people (I'm assuming family members), cause corruption, and commit street crimes... Silly me, I guess.
Not that I'm in favor of mob rule, lynching, or posse justice--absolutely not! I think the song is intended as an exaggerated way of saying "we need to clean things up." I don't even like the song, really, but I think we need to get out of the habit of yelling "racism!" every time someone's viewpoint, or sense of humor, or poilitical affiliation, differs from ours.
I've looked over the lyrics again, just to be sure, but I don't see even one reference to any particular race or culture, other than the culture of crime.
If you mean it's a crummy song, say it's a crummy song. If you mean that you are not in favor of mob rule, say so. If you mean that you think it's too harsh, say so--but don't bother whining that it's a racial slur.
And whining about Willie Nelson's voice is even more ridiculous. His voice is his voice. You don't like it, you change the station. (I personally have *never* liked his voice--but it is what it is, and I don't have to listen...)
Denise:^) a "zero whining tolerance" zone...