The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #59351 Message #953320
Posted By: PoppaGator
15-May-03 - 04:34 PM
Thread Name: Toby Keith/Willie Nelson laud lynching??
Subject: RE: Toby Keith/Willie Nelson laud lynching??
If a song is set in the US, and it mentions hanging, certain people will jump to the conclusion that it couldn't possibly be about anything except white Americans -- all of whom are obviously racist -- perpetrating murderous injustice against black people.
Not everyone agrees.
It is apparently unlikely that anyone on either side of this argument is about to change his/her mind.
We should probably stop trying to argue about this. Last week, I swore I would no longer contribute to perpetuating this futile tirade, but here I go again. I realize this didn't contribute anything new, I only repeated myslef. Sorry, couldn't help myself.