The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #58714   Message #953425
Posted By: catspaw49
15-May-03 - 07:31 PM
Thread Name: BS: Happy Birthday Spaw!!!
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Birthday Spaw!!!
It's been an intersting 24 hours here.

Karen went on a field trip with Michael's class yesterday. She works all night, so she went straightto the field trip drom work. We had worked in as much sleep as possible the day before so she was feeling good. They got home at 3:30 and I had burgers on the grill already prepared. After listening to the reports of the field trip, I started slicing onions and tomato with this super fine veggie slicer we bought awhile back. Got a little careless and combined a chunk of my thumb with the onions! About a half inch by a quarter inch, but just deep enough to open the capillaries. Since I take coumadin this can be a problem. Pressure would keep it from bleeding, but I needed a pressure bandage and we tried the firehouse but they weren't too swift and my friend Wayne was fishing, so it was off to the ER.   Sat in the damn ER for 3 hours and went to traige then said the hell with it and came home, stopping to buy appropriate bandaging materials along the way. Karen called off work of course and is really whipped by this point. I wasn't much better as I'd slept only about 3 hours myself. Got back home at midnight and dressed the cut.

Got up at 5 needing a dressing change so woke Karen and we both decided that the kids were as whipped as we were so we gave them a mental health day off school and we all went back to bed.

Had a funny part in all of this though........I had just sliced myself and was holding pressure on it. I walked to the garage to get something while karen looked up in the medicine cabinet for other stuff. I walk back in and the sink has red splashes all over it, here hands and wrists are red, and there is a large wet, red, stain on her nightgown. She's got a wad of paper towels and wiping at the sink and I stare at her and ask what the hell happened. Turns out a bottle of nail polish fell out and broke......but for a moment there I was pretty worried!!! Of course the smell hit me about the same time so........She said that the momentary look on my face was priceless.

Anyway, I called my Doc today...She's out of town, but I talked to one of her partners to ask about antibiotics. Since it was clean and bled well and we're taking good care with Betadyne and Neosporin and well bandaged, he said we could just keep an eye on it for now. Anything starts to look bad, and I call. This is only a problem because all bacteria and viruses invading your body LOVE metal parts, if you have any, and of cours I do. Things are fine now, but my thumb hurts like hell. Also had to throw out the onion since a piece of me was in there and none of us are into the cannibal thing.
