The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #58393   Message #953695
Posted By: artbrooks
16-May-03 - 08:49 AM
Thread Name: BS: POW RESCUED
The Iraqi hospital's side of the story is hardly new. It was reported by the Washington Post about a month ago, and here is a copy of that story from the Seattle Times. I really don't know how much bayonet training they get in Basic these days, but I guess I could ask my daughter. I think I had about 2 hours worth in 1967. That's really not the point.

The whole rescue thing, whether you choose to put quotes around "rescue" or not, was a two-day sensation and is now properly over. Her father has made it clear that the family dosn't want to discuss it and the military has made it clear that they don't either, both on its own behalf and speaking for her as a soldier. IMHO, the media should go looking for its sensations and soundbites elsewhere.